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Via HTTP Header: What You Need to Know

The Via HTTP header is an important component of the HTTP protocol that allows the client and server to pass additional information with an HTTP request or response. It is used to inform the server of proxies through which the request was sent. The Via header is added by the proxy server and tacks the messages forwarded, request loops avoided, and identifies the protocol capabilities of the sender.

The Via header consists of the protocol name, protocol version, host, and port. The protocol name is the name of the protocol used, such as “HTTP,” while the protocol version is the version of the protocol used, such as “1.1.” The host and port are the public proxy URL and port. The Via header is a general header type, and it is used to provide information about the intermediate network components that are involved in the communication between the client and server.

HTTP headers are a list of strings sent and received by both the client program and server on every HTTP request and response. These headers are usually invisible to the end-user and are only processed or logged by the server and client applications. The Via header is one of the many HTTP headers that are used to provide additional information about the request or response. It is particularly useful in identifying the intermediate network components that are involved in the communication between the client and server.

What is the Via HTTP Header?

The Via HTTP Header is a general header used in HTTP messages to track message forwards, avoid request loops, and identify the protocol capabilities of senders along the request/response chain. It is added by proxies, both forward and reverse, and can appear in the request or response headers.

The Via HTTP Header contains information about the intermediaries that have acted upon the message. It is used to indicate the presence of intermediate protocols and to identify the software of the intermediaries. The header field value consists of one or more entries, each containing the name and version of the software used to handle the message, separated by a space.

The syntax of the Via HTTP Header is as follows:

Via: [protocol-name]/[protocol-version] [proxy-name] ([proxy-version])


  • [protocol-name] is the name of the protocol used to handle the message.
  • [protocol-version] is the version of the protocol used to handle the message.
  • [proxy-name] is the name of the proxy software that acted upon the message.
  • [proxy-version] is the version of the proxy software that acted upon the message.

The Via HTTP Header is an optional header field in HTTP/1.1, as specified in RFC 7230. However, it is recommended that proxies include this header field in their messages to aid in debugging and troubleshooting.

Browsers and other HTTP clients may also include the Via HTTP Header in their requests and responses, although this is not common. When a client includes the Via HTTP Header in a request, it is indicating that the request has already been processed by one or more intermediaries. When a server includes the Via HTTP Header in a response, it is indicating that the response has been processed by one or more intermediaries before reaching the client.

Why is the Via HTTP Header important?

The Via HTTP Header is an important header that is added by proxies, both forward and reverse, and can appear in the request or response headers. It is used for tracking message forwards, avoiding request loops, and identifying the protocol capabilities of senders along the request/response chain.

The Via header is particularly important for proxies, as it allows them to identify themselves and any other proxies that have forwarded the request. This information can be used to optimize caching and routing decisions, as well as to troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

In addition to identifying proxies, the Via header can also be used to identify the protocol capabilities of the sender. This can be useful for servers that need to know what features are supported by the client, such as authentication, cache-control, pragma, and more.

One example of how the Via header can be used is in caching. When a proxy receives a request, it can add its own Via header to the request before forwarding it on. This allows downstream proxies to identify the original source of the request, and to determine whether the response can be served from cache or whether it needs to be fetched from the origin server.

The Via header can also be used to prevent clickjacking attacks, as it allows servers to specify a Referrer-Policy that controls how much information is included in the Referer header. This can help to protect user privacy and prevent sensitive information from being leaked.

Overall, the Via HTTP Header is an important part of the HTTP protocol, as it allows proxies and servers to communicate important information about the request and response. By including the Via header in their requests and responses, developers can help to ensure that their applications are secure, efficient, and reliable.

How to Set Via HTTP Header

The Via HTTP header is used by proxies, both forward and reverse, to track message forwards, avoid request loops, and identify the protocol capabilities of senders along the request/response chain. Here’s how to set the Via HTTP header in various browsers:

In Firefox

To set the Via HTTP header in Firefox, follow these steps:

  1. Open Firefox and type “about:config” in the address bar.
  2. Search for the “network.http.sendSecureXSiteReferrer” preference.
  3. Set the preference to “true” to enable the Via header for HTTPS requests.

In Chrome

To set the Via HTTP header in Chrome, follow these steps:

  1. Open Chrome and click on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Select “More Tools” and then “Developer Tools.”
  3. Click on the “Network” tab.
  4. Check the “Preserve log” checkbox.
  5. Reload the page.
  6. Click on the request in the network log.
  7. Scroll down to the “Request Headers” section and add the Via header.

In Safari

To set the Via HTTP header in Safari, follow these steps:

  1. Open Safari and click on “Safari” in the menu bar.
  2. Select “Preferences” and then “Advanced.”
  3. Check the “Show Develop menu in menu bar” checkbox.
  4. Click on “Develop” in the menu bar.
  5. Select “Show Web Inspector.”
  6. Click on the “Network” tab.
  7. Check the “Preserve log” checkbox.
  8. Reload the page.
  9. Click on the request in the network log.
  10. Scroll down to the “Request Headers” section and add the Via header.

In Opera

To set the Via HTTP header in Opera, follow these steps:

  1. Open Opera and click on the “Menu” button in the upper left-hand corner.
  2. Select “Settings” and then “Advanced.”
  3. Click on the “Privacy & security” tab.
  4. Scroll down to the “Network” section.
  5. Check the “Send a ‘Do Not Track’ request with your browsing traffic” checkbox.
  6. Reload the page.
  7. Click on the request in the network log.
  8. Scroll down to the “Request Headers” section and add the Via header.

In Edge

To set the Via HTTP header in Edge, follow these steps:

  1. Open Edge and click on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Select “Settings” and then “Privacy & security.”
  3. Scroll down to the “Security” section.
  4. Check the “Send a ‘Do Not Track’ request with your browsing traffic” checkbox.
  5. Reload the page.
  6. Click on the request in the network log.
  7. Scroll down to the “Request Headers” section and add the Via header.

Using Request Headers

To add the Via header using request headers, include the following line in the request:

Via: 1.1 (Apache/1.1)

Using Response Headers

To add the Via header using response headers, include the following line in the response:

Via: 1.1 vegur

Note that the Via header should be added by each proxy that the message passes through, with each proxy adding its own information to the header. This allows the recipient to trace the path of the message through the network.

Overall, the Via HTTP header is a useful tool for tracking message forwards and avoiding request loops. By following the steps outlined above, users can easily add the Via header to their requests and responses.

Other Proxy HTTP Headers



